From RoC

Lasse Reichstein Nielsen lrn at
Tue Oct 11 21:30:29 CET 1994

 I just got terribly busy, and I won't be seeing my messenger, Lasse, too
often from now on, so my response time will increase significantly.
As if it wasn't bad till now.
 Last week... on "DizniList!":

 James Williams about Egmont's 1996 CB edition:
> I assume it's Egmonts answer to Another Rainbow's The Carl Barks' Library.
 Yes and no, it's the German publisher Ehapa's reworked and updated version
of Cochran's and Hamilton's 1981 catalogue of Barks oils, if that is the one
you mean. It was titled "The Fine Art of Walt Disney", I believe, and was
alledgedly the reason that Disney Corp gave the comics licence to AR.
 This sold out a long time ago, and prices have sky-rocketed in the meantime,
so this is probably a good investment. And a great collection of Barks oils
for those who like them - I remember Per saying he was missing that.
 ...and James again:
> The lack of [a creator hoozoo] is my fault. I volunteered [...] and I never
> had the time to complete this task. I'd be happy to contribute to such a
> task, but there is now way I'll have the time to write one myself.
 No need for excuses. The difference between what we would like to do
and what we are actually capable of doing is often obscured by enthusiasm.
I've made similar promises myself, regardless of common sense. 

> It seems like the only artists they find it worth mentioning over here is
> Barks and Rosa.
 Danish DD for a short while credited the artists, but only their own
- D coded - stories, and Barks and Murry. Not even (Danish) Freddy Milton
was named. The only time I saw van Horn's name (in tiny letters) it was,
incorrectly, attributed to a Verhagen story.
 I don't think they *know* who's who! But van Horn *was* credited in the
Norwegian version of HAwH, and presumably in the Danish too, as it has
recently evolved into a very close copy of the Norwegian.

 Don about 'DD - My Life in an Eggshell':
> I've never seen much of Rota's art, but are all his stories that
> beautiful?! Or did he try extra hard on that one?
 Read for instance Norwegian suppl.issue #6/94 for the first part of
the time machine story, and you'll find he's consistently good.
His best, IMHO, is however "Night of the Saracen", code unknown, another
Viking story, except it's more like Arabian Nights. Beautiful and moody.
 He even had his name on the *cover*, way back in 1987.
It was upside down and disguised as Arabian gibberish.

 Harry: thank you for the 'Diznirep' files and data. Lasse could tell
that you are a real programmer! If you'd like another improved, but
still hopelessly incomplete version of Danish.index you are welcome.

 Knut: if you want me to send the F0K-DD, I'll need your address!

<oLe 'RoC' Reichstein Nielsen, c/o Lasse 'Spot' R.N. (lrn at>

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