Indexing stories

Jørgen Andreas Bangor jorgenb at
Thu Jun 22 22:41:16 CEST 1995

Looks like you'll have to add another name to the database list, 
Harry :-)

It shouldn't come as a surprise that I've been working on a Norwegian 
index for a while, but so far only in my own format. The main reason 
for this is that I don't like lines of more than 80 characters. 
It should be quite easy, though, to convert it to Harry's format.

Here's a small sample from my index:

 1967-20    a WDC313       10              DD  Dramatisk på Tyritoppen
 1967-20    b WDC313        4              Mim Superselgersken
 1967-20    c DD107         1              DD  -
 1967-20    d XTRA6053     10              La  Lykkebringer ome.. amulett
 1967-20    e US63          6F CB      CB  OS  Spøkelseshuset 2

The abbreviations are my own. The main problem with this format is that
there are only room for three creators, and not four as in Harry's. That
means that I'll have to leave out inkers where they are different from
pencillers. If it's room for it, I can add it as extra comments on the
end of the line, though. I adopted this from Harry's format. Another
thing I adopted lately is to use '+' or '-' to show that the last page
of a story is not a complete page. Since I already had a column for the
'F' (continuation story), that wasn't difficult to add.

A couple of differences from Harry's format is that I have the letters
that show the "location" of the story in an own column, and the story
codes are "in one word". This is because I like columns in fixed 
places... (yes, the pages column is a bit tricky, but it is in any case 
column #4).

The reason for the big space between the magazine code and the location
letter, is that I planned the format to work for all my Disney magazines,
including pocket books with 510 pages. Therefore, although you can't see
it here, there are also room for three digits in the column for pages.

| - Are there any lists somewhere else of story codes referring to norwegian
| publications?
| - If not, how would I find out what story code a story has in the magazines
| that where printed before the story codes where in the first panel?

Per answered those questions while I was writing this. I can add to the
second question, though, that the code is not always in the first panel.
You'll sometimes have to look quite carefully to find it.


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