Disney-comics digest #624.

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Fri Mar 31 08:14:00 CEST 1995

        Oh... yes... the "Disney contract" tag, as being the toughest thing
on Earth. Yeah. Well, since I work with Byron on the basis of us just being
a couple of overage Duck fans, I often put lil' extra gags in my scripts
just for his amusement. I fully expect him to remove these things when he
passes the stuff on to the various publishers. But he leaves lots of it in
for their amusement as well. Now, if I his dirty pictures in my stories and
they slipped past an editor into print (don't worry... I don't do that), I
would justifiably be help culpable. But the various editors saw the "Disney
contract" gag, translated it and had it typeset into their comics -- so if
the E.Empire gets sore, it's on the head of those editors. They passed the
bit through into print, not me. (Besides, I can even claim the translator
added it if I got Weasely... but one Weasel is enough).
        By the way... someone hiding a rare stamp by putting it on an
envelope (with some good stamps) and mailing it to someone?  That comes
straight out of the movie CHARADE.


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