Disney-comics digest #658.

Mike Pohjola mikep at freenet.hut.fi
Wed May 10 17:51:55 CEST 1995


	People actually contact you and ask for references?! That's great! If
you hear about them again, please tell them I appreciate their work a lot!

	Can't you really just decide for yourself something like: "Oh my, what
Mike has told me about Finland has really inspired me and I would love to do
a story with Scrooge looking for Sampo in Finland."? I mean, was Lo$ all idea
of Byron Erickson?-/ And of course American/Spanish/Arabian/Greek and quite
any people could enjoy a story set in Finland if us Finnish people can and do
enjoy the stories set in those countires. And both Barks and you made a story
set in Norway! So whaddaya say..? <looks up at you with big sad poppie eyes)

	No Lo$ stories in the hardback? Not even the two first that were never
shown here? Oh, damn!

	Yesterday I had to take a long bus trip and had some time to make a
few scetches that all look quite Finnish to me. First is Donald Duck swimming
at summer evening, sun setting behind him and a warm sauna being near him in
the strand and some dangle birches (I don't know if there actually is such a 
word in English, but it sounds ok to me) around the sauna. On another one
Donald is in Lapland, standing in the snow with a Same shaman next to him and
Don is petting a reindeer. This is during the season when sun doesn't come
up at all in Northern Finland. Then I thought that using both of these (and
some additional ones as well) would be the best option and made a picture of
Donald having just arrived from his trip to Finland and the photos (the
scetches) surrounding him. That looked good.

PS:	One more fact about Finland: WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!


	Mike - The Finnish Trekkie

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