Disney-comics digest #675.
Daniel Shane
homebrew at iglou.com
Sat May 27 13:56:00 CEST 1995
> If Daniel Shane lives somewhere near you, I could give you his Scrooge
piggy bank too.
I cannot believe you remembered that kind offer, Mike! So many folks make
grand gestures of kindness, then immediately forget that any such offer was
ever made; or worse, they act like their original promise was the same as
the deed itself, so no more need actually be done!
I really must say that, though I tend to lurk in the background, reading the
messages on this service with silent delight, I am occasionally forced out
of my shell to remark how kind and mannerly everyone on this list seems to
be. Per never becomes ogreish when dealing with the confused folks who keep
telling the list they wish to unsubscribe, and none of the artists, writers,
or fans who frequent the list seem to show the least inclination toward
competitiveness or a "my comics are better than yours" attitude. The common
trait of helpfulness and willingness to share constantly is made evident.
What fine company I keep on this here Internet thingie!
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