Disney-comics digest #678.

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Tue May 30 05:34:00 CEST 1995

        Well, I won't be able to compare our two King Arthur stoires since
I'll probably never see yours in English (since it was a Digest story done
in the "Italian-style"). But my version is designed as a debunking of the
Arthur legends -- the Ducks travel back to visit the true, original
"Arthur", a remnant of the Roman occupation who was just a spear-toting,
fur-clad barbarian in Dumnonia (SW Britain) of the Dark Ages. Your story
might have dealt with Arthur as in the popular version?

        My first Duck story (my first professional comic work of ANY sort)
was "The Son of the Sun", UNCLE $CROOGE #219, 1987.

        Why confuse people with numbers? How would we all remember who "Dan
1" or "Dan 2" are? Why not use "Dan S." or Dan V.E.", or just use your
actual full last name?
        Anyway, all the Disney-banning we are talking about goes on only in
America. They excert no control over the foreign comics. Oberon, as you
know, can print stuff that Disney would NEVER allow in America any longer --
you just saw "Voodoo Hoodoo" is its original, uncensored form in Holland not
too long ago. I have a copy of that Dutch album on my bookshelf next to my
Barks Libraries so that I can see how the story originally looked without
going down to the "vault" and digging out the actual 1949 comic.> 

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