Nuts for Nutmeg

Tryg Helseth trygve at
Fri Nov 24 21:21:15 CET 1995

Howdy folks,

Just decloaking here to jump in to an almost off-topic topic.

Kathy, Daniel, Don, Mattias, et al...

A decade or so ago it was the rage to brand any comic that mentioned drugs 
in any fashion as a "drug" issue.  This seemed more like a ploy among 
speculators as an excuse to charge more for that particular issue.  So when 
someone told me that "A Spicy Tale" was a drug issue because $crooge was 
addicted to nutmeg, I laughed it off as a joke and forgot about it.  Then I 
started reading the discussion here.

By odd coincidence, my wife and I are currently taking a class titled 
"Herbs, Spices, and Medicinal Plants."  Just this week the instructor 
talked about nutmeg and described how it is used as a drug.  The was it was 
used, however, is not by eating it; it is freshly ground and inhaled which
produces a hallucinatory effect.  (I imagine you start to visualize 
pink elephants sipping eggnog and eating pumpkin pie. <g>) 

While $crooge wasn't inhaling the nutmeg, it could have a different effect 
on a duck's metabolism than it does human's.  Perhaps a duck may become 
addicted just by ingestion?


Tryg Helseth  <trygve at>   Minneapolis, MN, USA
          or  <tryg.helseth at>

"I wish they all could be Calisota Ducks!"  -the Beach Drakes

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