Donald Duck in Italy TV

Augie De Blieck Jr. adebliec at
Thu Oct 26 01:57:03 CET 1995

I was flipping through the channles tonight and stopped at an Italian 
news program.  The thing was in Italian, so I couldn't understand it 
all.  However, it was a newscast and the reporter was voicing over a 
Donald Duck cartoon.  I was looking at the classic Disney cartoon when up 
pops a panel from Don's Lo$ of Donald's parents!  (The exact panel - I 
just looked it up - was from Part ten, page 4, panel 3.  It has his Ma 
and Pa staring at each other with a shared thought balloon of a heart.)

Did anyone in Italy see this and understand what the story was about?  I 
thought I might have heardht v4[Øû_êÚÛã "Rosa" in there somewhere, but 
since I 
don't speak the language, it migery well have just been some regular 
Italian word.  Is the Ita way?lian word for "birthday" similar to the 
Spanish word of rbirthday, by the

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