Donald Duck global exchange

Gammel, ing. A.M. GST gammel at
Mon Sep 11 17:01:22 CEST 1995

Hi, all o' you out there,

Yesterday, a friend gave me a Norwegian "Donald Duck & CO". Being Dutch, I read it with interest. Especially because of the similarities between Norwegian and Dutch. I thought that I would like "Donald Duck" in some more languages, and I think some of you guys would be interested, too.

But anyway, it gave me the following idea:
I'm prepared to *physically* send some non-Dutch list members this week's DUTCH issue of "Donald Duck" in exchange for their LOCAL version of "Donald Duck".
Maybe we could create a list of interested people that than can send all other members of the list their local issues 

Or has this all been done before ?
Please mail me at me own address.

Andreas ( gammel at )

| "Whoever came up with the notion that         |
|      boxing is the CAUSE of brain damage ?"   | 
| Andreas Gammel  Philips Research Laboratories |
| Building: WB 3.32         Prof. Holstlaan 4   |
| Phone: +31 40 742774      5656 AA  Eindhoven  |
| Fax:   +31 40 744315      The Netherlands     |
| Mail: gammel at                   |

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