Dr. Archontis Pantsios apantsio at ac.anatolia.edu.gr
Thu Dec 2 13:34:50 CET 1999


>Hm, I'm not sure I understand how a magazine that contains only
>re-re-re-prints of Barks and Rosa stories can qualify to be "one of the
>best DC magazines in Europe". The two issues you gave to me look great,
>fine paper quality, great colours, (funny letters :-) but there is
>nothing new as far as the stories are concerned--they can all be found
>in various versions in older mags.

I have to admit that while I find the above statement "puzzling", it
nevertheless re-confirms my belief that everything in life in *RELATIVE*!

And I'm explaining myself: Søren seems to be dumbfounded and can't
understand how on earth a comic that prints mostly Barks, Rosa, and Scarpa
re-re-(whatever)-prints can qualify as one of the best Disney comic books in
the world. I guess that he didn't pay much attention to the tiny detail that
KOMIX is published in Greece and in Greek--hence, its target market is the
Greek population--not Scandinavia, not Germany, not France,.... In this
Greek population, most of these stories are seen for the *first* time, even
if some of them were published is lesser quality mags many years ago. But
how can I have the audacity to ask from KOMIX that they don't print Barks,
Rosa, or Scarpa, simply because *I* have happened to see these stories in
other publications, when 99% of the Greek readers of KOMIX are seeing them
for the first time?

KOMIX may not have something new for Søren--or for many other people, who,
for example, may get to read the original Rosa stories in Egmont's
publications, or who had the chance to read Barks in the original in
Gladstone's reprints. However, it offers many new things to its Greek
readership, and it does it in an exceptional way.

(Note: Someone could make similar observations for the Italian "ZIO
PAPERONE", which also features re-prints in its entirety--for many people ZP
ranks amongst the top 1-2 comics books in the world. First appearance of a
story is but one criterion in judging a comic's overall quality).



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