Gary, Arie, Don

Anders Christian Sivebaek acsive at
Sun Dec 19 14:42:11 CET 1999

Good luck:-)

> I am hoping that someone on the list here can purchase a copy of
> the German MICKY MAUS #1-2000 (Kalevala cover) for me. 
I wonder: when someone gets the mag if they would scan the cover and
put it online somewhere? I hope the german translation, colouring,
noting is better than the danish 
one (How could it not be??) 

> BTW, while i'm here, may i ask a question. Several DCML mails ago,
> brought up the topic U$ 179 which sold for $1500+
> Can someone please tell me what's the special thing in the book that
> up the price so high?
It is said to have been published in not as high amount as was usual,
and many of the issues went to Europe.

> And what are the stories in the book anyway???
among other things a barks-stories from an other Uncle $crooge
magazine, and one would probably be able to find that story many places
else. But if you read exactly that issue as a kid
it would prbably be special to you.

 Is that NOT the order in which your translator has my dialogue???
> Lawrd, I hope so. I get tired worrying about how key moments of
> and meaning are being screwed up here!
They did make the right order in the dialogue, i see that now. Guess
they "only" schrewed up 5 or 6 other places...

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