Grandma Duck's stories Alexgoe at
Sun Apr 2 17:50:18 CEST 2000


At the beginning of the 90ies, there was a story-series by Rodolfo
Cimino. The fourth of the all in one 8 parts was written by Nino
Russo. They are about Grandma Duck telling (non-Disney)-stories
to Scrooge, Donald, Daisy, etc. .

In Italy, this series is called "Nonna Papera e i racconti attorno al
fuoco". The first 3 parts were reprinted in Germany,  but part 4
to 8 unfortunatly not...

Because I enjoy reading these stories, I'd like to know what's hap-
pening in these five stories or what's the plot of them. I searched
for the, to me unknown, stories in the INDUCKS with following results:

part 4
    "La leggenda del lago d'argento" (Paperino Mese 213/ Topolino

part 5
    "La regina delle rocce e il fiore proibito" (Topolino 1932/ Storie
    col fiocco 3)

part 6
    "Il tamburino e i 3 soldi del destino" (Topolino 1943/ Storie col
     fiocco 3)

part 7
    "Ala di colomba e l'uomo delle nevi" (Topolino 1953/ Storie col
     fiocco 3)

part 8
    "Steve il boscaiolo e la fontana di pietra" (Topolino 2025)

I'd be thankful if someone on the list who knows these stories, can
tell me about their "topic" or tell me a short summary...


Alex Goerig

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