Various replies
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
DGE at
Tue Aug 15 23:55:41 CEST 2000
Images of Donald "reading" _Mein Kampf_ come from the 1943 anti-Nazi
cartoon DER FUEHRER'S FACE. The cartoon is a (brilliant) nightmare scenario
of DD as a resident in Nazi Germany. At one point, a soldier's bayonet
forces _Mein Kampf_ in front of Donald's face. It's meant to distract him;
as he stares at it, befuddled (the source of the image you saw), other
soldiers march into his house and force him against his will to join their
military parade. "Quit shovin'!"
>For example, there is a Finnish book by Matti Eronen, titled "Carl Barks'
>Surviving Comic Book Art" (1994), which lists Barks' surviving comic book
>artwork. But I don't have this book myself, so I can't check.
>BTW. Now that I mention this book, does someone also know if other
>original comic book artwork by Barks has turned up since then?
A fair amount has. I know at least two 1951 covers to WDC&S have
emerged from the undergrowth. Some more material appears to be in private
collections that Eronen may not have known about.
Ellsworth = Maxi Smart = Moses.
Moses is the earliest name I saw him with in a German publication,
but it isn't the one they've stuck with. They're not two different birds;
they're one and the same, and it appears that the name will be Maxi Smart
from this point on (considering that they've splashed the name all over
their covers).
We should update the dcml interlingual file so that the German name
of the character is listed as Maxi Smart (same goes for Neighbor Jones, who
is now permanently called Zorngiebel).
Lars Jensen's data, BTW, comes from the original Sunday strip.
There, Goofy really does *buy* Ellsworth! (The French, perhaps not
remembering this, did an alternative origin story for Ellsworth involving
some Arab country and Professors Ecks and Doublex as the villains, but I
can't help that.)
In D 99156, my Pegleg Pete birthday story "History Re-Petes Itself,"
the two pigs seen *are* Patricia and Peggy - no mistake. ("Nyx" is Inducks
terminology that may disappear from the story listing later... you needn't
pay attention to it.)
I'll get back to you regarding Percy and Patricia's son.
The fish character on the wall portrait is Goofy's favorite comic
book character, Flip the Fish. You remember Byron Erickson's "Fantasy
Island," don't you? Oy! (Flip makes cameos like this in a *lot* of Egmont
The "weasel" character at the end is really a dogface, and he's
Trigger Hawkes from the classic Gottfredson Foreign Legion story. You
haven't seen the last of him... we hope.
David Gerstein
<dge at>
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