KOMIX and original articles

Dr. Archontis Pantsios apantsio at ac.anatolia.edu.gr
Thu Dec 7 13:15:37 CET 2000


>And so seem to be all the other articles, unfortunately, even though it
>seems that Komix considers a bad thing to credit its contents.
>Maybe Komix is *not* that great magazine I thought it was.

There was a time (a long time at that!) when KOMIX would indeed not credit
original sources of the articles it presented in its contents--however,
after much budgering, in the past couple of years they are trying to put
references to the articles they translate.

But let's be fair and realistic here: in order to write original articles
you need to hire people that know both the comics and the authors; for many
years that was not the case here in Greece. Lately, however, this has been
changing and it's mirrored in the growing number of "fans" and in the
appearance in these past 2-3 years of a number of what "seem to be" original
articles in KOMIX--many of them are translated by Kriton in regular
intervals for the dcml.

On a personal note, about 6 years ago, I was in contact with the big boss at
KOMIX (Mr. Terzopoulos) and I had offered to write a few original articles
for KOMIX. It didn't work out because I had asked for a (what I thought to
be a modest) price they apparently found prohibitive. Obviously, translating
articles costs less. Still, I'm heartened to see that lately they do publish
interesting original analyses which means that they must have good people on

Not giving credit where credit is due will very likely continue: on another
personal note, yours truly played a (minor) role in the publication of "The
Incredible Shrinking Tightwad" in KOMIX in its "complete, unedited form":
more specifically, Mr. Stelios Nikolaou, KOMIX's editor had contacted me
last Spring when I was still in the U.S. and had asked me whether I had
Gladstone's publication of that story (they were missing one of its parts).
I told them that I had all my comics back in Greece, but that I could easily
locate for them a copy in the U.S. However, I also told them that Gladstone
had published the story in a heavily edited version, and that if they wanted
to publish it in its entirety all they had to do was get in contact with Don
Rosa, who would be more than happy to supply them with the entire story.
When I visited Don at his place in late May, I had mentioned to him the
whole story and as it turned out Don sent them all the missing parts. In
KOMIX's article on how "tIST" made it to their pages, not a single word is
mentioned on my small (my critical) contribution in them publishing the
story in its entirety...Ah, well....



Archontis L. Pantsios, Ph.D.
Assistant Academic Dean and Associate Professor
The American College of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki, Greece
Phone: +30 31 398228

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