Southern adventures

Ole Reichstein Nielsen ole.roc at
Wed Jan 26 18:33:26 CET 2000


> > I TL 615-A, I TL 616-A (Sep. 1967)
> > Paperino e i candidati al CIAO
> /Martina/Carpi/30+28/avventura sudamericana/Paperino; Zio Paperone,
> QQQ, Cuordipietra Famedoro

Sprea> It's not this, I just checked :-(

I took a look at a couple of other of Carpi's South American
Adventures, and neither fit. Looking at the few panels we
know from the story, I'm getting more and more convinced
that the art has not only been traced (redrawn) but most
likely the whole story is made by someone copying art
from various sources and making a whole new story of it.
Some of the art is *so* bad - even by Italian standards.  ;-)

But perhaps some elements can be traced to original sources:
like the king, wearing a crown (but probably added later)
and a butterfly and suit that makes him look more like a
concert pianist. I'd still say that this is, or has been,
Carpi art.

Researchers should remember that any sources would be pre-1971,
the date of the original publication of "How To Read DD".


Thanks, Santiago, for the information about Italian
subscriptions! What would an American think of paying
a hundred dollars a year for a 200 page pocket book
every week with lots of good art, but in a foreign
language? I am not even doing a cold turkey, but
still think it sounds like a sweet deal! :-)

Only too bad and a little incomprehensible that only
a handful of the many Italian Disney book titles are
available to overseas subscribers. Perhaps it would
change if demand was high enough.

I btw got a letter from the publishers of the Dutch
weekly recently, that expressed gratitude that a
foreigner would have interest in their books, and
asked me if I would please visit their web site and
fill in a questionaire. If I did so before December
31st 1999, I would even get a free ticket for the 
national Dutch sweepstakes. Only problem is I got
the letter on Jan. 17th. 
Well, at least they care. ;-)


I've also been meaning to say so: Thanks to 'WunderWurm'
for uploading those rare old Mickey strips. I hope to see
more of them in the future.


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