KOMIX #140

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at cti.gr
Mon Jan 31 07:27:08 CET 2000

Here's what's in the February issue of Komix:

* The cover is from WDC&S #629 by Michael Nadorp. You can find a scan of this
  cover at http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis/pics/komix140.jpg
* An article about the Orient Express, titled "The Legend of the
  Orient Express", subtitled "Travel in the Belle Epoque with the train
  of adventure and mystery".
* "Scandal on the Epoch Express" (H9347), with script attributed
  to Jan Kruse and David Gerstein and art attributed to Bas Heymas [sic].
  [According to Gladstone's credits, David wrote the American script,
  and Bas Heymans only penciled the story.]
* An interview with Don Rosa titled "The Back Stage of a Story", subtitled
  "_Komix_ talks to Don Rosa about luck, the ducks, and Barks. Reading the
  interview, I was surprised to learn (knowing Don, perhaps I shouldn't have
  been) that "distelfink" is not a silly word he made up! [Yes, I will be
  translating the article.]
* Don Rosa's "The Sign of the Triple Distelfink" (D97437). For some reason,
  although they know what a "distelfink" is, they use for it a word that means
  "a useful item that one finds by chance, especially a good quality product
  sold at a very low price".
* An article titled "The Secret of Good Luck", subtitled "Don Rosa, Gladstone
  and the Triple Distelfink.
* William Van Horn's "From Wince We Came" (D94207).
* Barks' "Forecast Follies" from Uncle Scrooge #16, starring Gyro Gearloose.
* An article titled "In the Comics Jungle", subtitled "Why and in what way is
  a survival guide necessary..."

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at cti.gr)
	      	(WWW:    http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis
"I often wish I could be as nice as me."

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