John Stephen Akhwari

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at
Wed Oct 4 12:27:07 CEST 2000


A quick search using google pointed me to, which
begins by describing the events you mentioned. However, these events
took place in 1968, so they cannot have influenced Barks' story.

A similar, though less extreme, event took place during the Barcelona
Olympics, when a runner barely managed to finish the race, staggering
through the last few meters and collapsing immediately after crossing
the finish line.

In one sense, this is what the Olympics are supposed to be about: pushing
yourself to the limit and beyond, unlike what happens in many athletics
competitions these days, where runners are payed to play the part of
"rabbits", running at a pace that they cannot maintain, then abandoning
the race without completing it, in some misguided notion that this will
push the other athletes to run faster and break the record.

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at
"Everyone in the universe has free will, Benny.
 Predestination wouldn't work otherwise."

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