October 2000 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Oct 2 05:54:40 CEST 2000
Ending: Tue Oct 31 21:54:59 CEST 2000
Messages: 204
- 'miky mysterio' collector
Apostolis Trikourakis
- 'miky mysterio' collector
Demetris Papadopoulos
- 1.1 million Finns can't be wrong
Vainio Jyrki
- 2000 Abril stories in Europe
Paulo Melo
- 287
Anders Christian Sivebaek
- 287
Anders Christian Sivebaek
- 287? Anyway...
Apostolis Trikourakis
- 289
Antonio Svevi
- 289
Francesco Spreafico
- 289 (a rather silly subject)
Fluks, H.W.
- 289 (a rather silly subject)
Stefan Persson
- 4 great weeks
Anders Christian Sivebaek
- 4 great weeks
Paolo Castagno
- 4 great weeks
Paolo Castagno
- 4 great weeks
Donald Markstein
- a copyright breaker speaks in favour of copyright
Marco Barlotti
- a copyright breaker speaks in favour of copyright
Stefan Diös
- A Copyright Thought
M. Mitchell Marmel
- a dangerous man replies to Stefan
john garvin
- A dangerous man replies to Stefan
Antonio Svevi
- a dangerous man replies to Stefan
Santiago Garcia Banhos
- About I TL 2341-1: did crime win?
Pietro Reynaud-Bersanino
- About I TL 2341-1: did crime win?
Fluks, H.W.
- about the last issue of I TL
Alessandro Iovino
- about the last issue of I TL
Botto Armando
- about the last issue of I TL
Francesco Spreafico
- Aku Ankan Juhlakalenteri 2001
Sven-Oliver Troschke
- Any news on a US Duck publication returning?
Rick Engle
- Apostolis: Brazilian stories
Arthur Faria Jr.
- Apostolis: DD's Marriage; All: Don Rosa's Kalevala
Arthur Faria Jr.
- Apostolis: DD's Marriage; All: Don Rosa's Kalevala
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Arizona Goof
Jonathan Markoff
- Arthur: Brazilian Stories
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Articles from Komix #147
Kriton Kyrimis
- Articles from Komix #148
Kriton Kyrimis
- Autumn-reading
Sandven, Halvor
- Barks' "Riddle of the Red Hat"
Eta Beta
- Bo Michanek
Tomas Karlsson
- Brazilian Kalevala and thanks to Joakim
Fernando Ventura
- Caballeros' names!
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Caballeros's names!
Fernando Ventura
- Caballeros's names!
Stefan Persson
- Carl Barks doesn't live here any more
Kriton Kyrimis
- Carson van Osten
Joakim Gunnarsson
- Clarification
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
- Comics Convention in New York
Luca Boschi
- Comics Convention in New York
M. Mitchell Marmel
- Comics Journal Tribute to Carl Barks
- copy(insert opinion here)
timo ruppell
- Copyright
Shelley Hanson/KlezmerAllThatJazz
- Copyright
Kari Olavi Lepola
- Copyright
Stefan Diös
- Copyright & Copywrong!
Pietro Reynaud-Bersanino
- copyright issues
Rodney w bowcock jr.
- Copyright Laws
Rob Klein
- Copyright Laws
M. Mitchell Marmel
- Copyrights
Fluks, H.W.
- Copyrights
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Copyrigths
Antonio Svevi
- Copyrigths
Francesco Spreafico
- creators rights, last post
john garvin
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #278 - 5 msgs
Alipio d'Oliveira Coelho
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #283 - 15 msgs
Michael Nagula
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #286 - 12 msgs
Pietro Reynaud-Bersanino
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #287 - 10 msgs
Kriton Kyrimis
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #291 - 9 msgs
Rodney w bowcock jr.
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #293 - 7 msgs
Henri Kunne
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #293 - 7 msgs
Per-Erik Malmström
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #296 - 8 msgs
Pietro Reynaud-Bersanino
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #297 - 4 msgs
Arie Fachrisal
- DCML scetch!
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Deutsche Mailingliste
Thomas Krause
- Deutsche Mailingliste
Stefan Persson
- Deutsche Mailingliste
Andy Boettcher
- Deutsche Mailingliste/LTB
Gerd Heinlein
- digest #305
Don Rosa
- Digest #305
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Disney Comic Strip Artist's Kit
Corycrivari at aol.com
- disney comics
Walter Carzon
- disney comics (Walter Carzon)
DYER,SONIA (HP-Cupertino,ex1)
- Disney copyright
Mirko Tavosanis
- disney publishing...
john garvin
- Disney should hire lawyer Sharky to prevent those copyright abuses ;)
Arie Fachrisal
- Disney's Comic Kit?!
Fernando Ventura
- Don Rosa in Frankfurt
Claudio Eckert
- Don Rosa's non-Disney comics
Arttu Salminen
- Donald In The "Hall of Road Kill..." Huh?
F. A. Elliott
- Double mistake in 'Don Rosa's non-Disney comics'
Arttu Salminen
- Drawing Disney Style Comics
Corycrivari at aol.com
- Ducks on the net
Joakim Gunnarsson
- Erling Frick
Joakim Gunnarsson
- fanzines
Michael Naiman
- Francois: Unidentified Brazilian stories in France
Arthur Faria Jr.
- Good!! Veeeery good!!!
Paolo Castagno
- Gottfredson portfolio for sale
Ola Martinsson
- help,hilfe and apua
Tuukka Kuusijärvi
- help,hilfe and apua
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Hi -- Remember Me?
Donald Markstein
- Horace and some queries.
Arie Fachrisal
- Horace and some queries.
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
- Horace Horsecollar
sdebeer at talk21.com
- Horace Horsecollar
Fluks, H.W.
- Horace Horsecollar
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
- Horace Horsecollar
Frank Stajano
- hungarian disney comics
Alessandro Iovino
- Hungarian Disney comics?
Paolo Castagno
- Indiana Pipps
Stefan Persson
- Indiana Pipps
François Willot
- Indiana Pipps
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Indiana Pipps
Fernando Ventura
- Indiana Pipps
Fluks, H.W.
- Indiana Pipps Again!
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Info vs Art
Santiago Garcia Baños
- internet revolution
john garvin
- internet revolution
Per-Erik Malmström
- internet revolution
Pekka Timonen
- internet revolution
Henri Kunne
- internet revolution/Copyright & Copywrong!
Per-Erik Malmström
- Is Tito Faraci leaving Disney?
Pietro Reynaud-Bersanino
- Jack Hannah
Patrick Trimble
- John Stephen Akhwari
Kriton Kyrimis
- John Stephen Akhwari
- John's revolution
Dan Shane
- John's revolution
SRoweCanoe at aol.com
- John's revolution
Fluks, H.W.
- Journal de Mickey Barks Tribute
Chuck Munson
- Kalevala's Brazilian cover and 2000 Abril
Fernando Ventura
- Kalevala's Brazilian cover and 2000 Abril
Stefan Persson
- Komix # 149
Apostolis Trikourakis
- KOMIX #148
Kriton Kyrimis
- KOMIX #149
Kriton Kyrimis
- major FSB improvement: Disney MEGAzine index
Marco Barlotti
- member
Apostolis Trikourakis
- member
- Mickey in Hong Kong
Marco Barlotti
- Mistake in 'Don Rosa's non-Disney comics'
Arttu Salminen
- money bin gift
Arthur de Wolf
- My disney meeting!
Apostolis Trikourakis
- New Brazilian stories on the Web!
Arthur Faria Jr.
- New Brazilian story online
Thierry Fernand
- New Chat Room!
Apostolis Trikourakis
- New Inducks release
Fluks, H.W.
- New Inducks release
Fluks, H.W.
- New scanned stories
Apostolis Trikourakis
- New scanned stories
Pekka Timonen
- New scanned stories: Are we have permission to do that?
Apostolis Trikourakis
- New scanned stories: Are we have permission to do that?
F. A. Elliott
- New scanned stories: DO we have permission to do that?
Fluks, H.W.
- New scanned stories: DO we have permission to do that?
Francesco Spreafico
- New scanned stories: DO we have permission to do that?
Kriton Kyrimis
- New version of the Italian Disney story index on-line
Marco Barlotti
- Northwest Bookfest in Seattle
JALustig at aol.com
- O Réptil Devorador!
fernandopventura at uol.com.br
- O Réptil Devorador!
François Willot
- Papa duck is dead
François Willot
- Papa duck is dead
Eta Beta
- Paulo Melo: Brazilian stories in Portugal
Arthur Faria Jr.
- Picsou #345
Thierry Fernand
- Picsou web URL
DYER,SONIA (HP-Cupertino,ex1)
- Picsou web URL
Santiago Garcia Banhos
- picsu
- Publication of Disney art
Søren Krarup Olesen
- R: About I TL 2341-1: did crime win?
Fabio Rossi
- R: About I TL 2341-1: did crime win?
Fabio Rossi
- R: Caballeros' names!
Fabio "Efx" Rossi
- R: Carson van Osten
Luca Boschi
- R: Good!! Veeeery good!!!
Fabio "Efx" Rossi
- R: The renaissance of "Topolino"?
Fabio "Efx" Rossi
- R: True things
Fabio Rossi
- R: who's there?
Ugo Dell'Arciprete
- Rosa in Germany
Fluks, H.W.
- Scans of "The Curse of Nostrildamus" story
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Scotland
UNDBKB at aol.com
- Slightly off-topic, but interesting
Klaus Harms
- Slightly off-topic, but interesting
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Slightly off-topic, but interesting
Fluks, H.W.
- Some Cavazzano's stories
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Stefan replies to the dangerous man
Stefan Diös
- story
Stefan Persson
- story
- Swedish Disney writers
Hans Kiesl
- Swedish Disney writers
Stefan Persson
- Taliaferro
Thierry Fernand
- the internet, copyright, and what's right...
john garvin
- The renaissance of "Topolino"?
Marco Barlotti
- The renaissance of "Topolino"?
Jan Follak
- The renaissance of "Topolino"?
Francesco Spreafico
- The Return of the 3 Cabelleroes
Anders Christian Siveb¾k
- The Robin Hoods of the Web
Jonathan Markoff
- The Robin Hoods of the Web (postscript)
Jonathan Markoff
- Theorems
Santiago Garcia Banhos
- Three Caballeros Names and other...
Apostolis Trikourakis
- True democracy
Rob Klein
- True democracy
Fluks, H.W.
mark doukakis
Dan Shane
- True things
Fluks, H.W.
- Unknown Black Knight artist in KOMIX
Gerstein, David DK - ECN
- update in the index of the Italian reprints of Barks' Disney stories
Marco Barlotti
- USA and Copyrights
Santiago Garcia Banhos
- Walter Carzon
Santiago Garcia Banhos
- Walter Carzon
John Chadwick
- Where's Don?
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Wrong Address!
Apostolis Trikourakis
Last message date:
Tue Oct 31 21:54:59 CEST 2000
Archived on: Thu Mar 23 17:27:14 CEST 2006
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).