
Antonio Svevi robert662 at
Wed Oct 18 16:15:50 CEST 2000

In all European comics I know of, authors get paid
every time one of their stories is reprinted, in any 
country. Dargaud, Casterman and other comic editors always 
had such policy.
I don't know about US laws, but in France there are 
different kinds of "copyrigths"
- droit d'auteur (author-rigths)
 When original artwork is sold
 in an auction, for instance, a 3 % fee should be
 given to the author
 This law was made to give fees to authors
 and not only people speculating on paintings etc.
- droit de reproduction (copy-rigths)
- droit d'emission & others

Some of these rigths are incessible, like the author rigth, 
meaning that only the authors or the family of the author 
own them. They can not be sold to any party.

I am sorry but in Europe (at least France) when an author 
make an original piece of work, even with Disney character, 
this comic can not be the sole and only property of Disney 
(even if Disney claims so. But they do not make the laws 
- there's a parliament for that!). No company or person can 
legally buy "incessible" rigths.

I will not add anything on this, but I guess you know what I 
Boîte aux lettres - Caramail -

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