Copyright Laws

M. Mitchell Marmel marmelmm at
Sat Oct 21 19:50:36 CEST 2000

At 10:36 AM -0700 10/21/00, Rob Klein wrote:

>If there is no way to ensure that, the only writer/artists that will create
>anything to be shown to the public will be those who have a different
>source of income to live on.  Such a scenario would be a terrible loss to
>society.  Those who advocate diseminating all art for free to anyone
>interested should think twice.  Would I risk putting all my time and effort
>into creating graphic stories to sell if I knew that anyone could reproduce
>them and distribute them for no cost to anyone who wants them?  No!  I have
>no other source of income that allows me the free time to be such a

Just as a side note:  Most "classical" art (DaVinci, Botticelli, et 
cetera) was produced either as a commission or under the patronage of 
a wealthy family.  The phenomenon of artist as self-supporting entity 
is a relatively new one, which is why the term "starving artist" is 
so common... :)


ObDisney:  Jay Leno made a rather funny remark in his monologue the 
other night, speculating whether researchers studying Viagra in 
laboratory rats used deshabille pictures of Minnie Mouse as visual 
stimuli for their subjects...

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