KOMIX #149

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at cti.gr
Mon Oct 30 07:28:08 CET 2000

This month's issue of Komix is a "fortified" 100 page issue, about half
of which is dedicated to Carl Barks. Here are the contents:

* Cover by Carl Barks. I have put a scan in
* A two-page article titled "A last goodbye to Carl Barks", subtitled
  "Famous and ordinary people from all over the world say goodbye to
  the great creator".
* Carl Barks' "Voodoo Hoodoo" (politically correct edition).
* A two-page article titled "Black humor in the black continent",
  subtitled "With humor as his weapon, Barks sets up the story of
  _Voodoo Hoodoo_.  A two-column inset in the article is titled "Don
  Rosa comments on Voodoo Hoodoo".
* A five-page article titled "A wonderful world", subtitled "The duck
  universe: from Duckburg to eternity".
* A one-page article titled "Back to the roots", subtitled "Walt Disney's
  first steps in the historic studio in Kansas.
* A Useful Book (D 92312), written by Per Eric Hedman (sp?) and drawn
  by Cesar Ferioli Pelaez (sp?).
* A two-page article titled "The creators of Mickey Mouse", subtitled
  "_Komix_ travels to the heroic years of the first black and white
* A one-page article titled "Parallel lives", subtitled "Mickey and his
  ruthless opponent, Black Pete.
* "Agente Cambadilegno: Il Caso e Tuo!", (J-2238-4) from Topolino #2238,
  written by Tito Faracci (sp?) and drawn by Fabio Celoni (sp?). This is
  one of the rare stories in Komix that has not appeared in a Gladstone
  issue.  Can't say I liked it much, though.

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at cti.gr)
	      	(WWW:    http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis)
"This is not a war, this is a scientific application of ballistics."

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