2000 Abril stories in Europe
Paulo Melo
pmelo at fe.uc.pt
Wed Oct 18 17:25:07 CEST 2000
Hi all.
Probably the European country that prints more stories produced
in Brazil is Portugal. To answer the request of Arthur Faria Jr. (Artur,
obrigado pelas historias do Pena Kid) and also to describe to the readers
of this list what kind of stories Brazil is exporting nowadays, I made a
list of the Brazilian stories published this year in the Disney magazine I
subscribe to: HiperDisney
HiperDisney is a (more or less) monthly Portuguese magazine, featuring 260
pages (short "Brazilian" sized) of usually "older" Disney comics, some
"Disney news" and short articles, reader's comments and games (still, the
core of the magazine are the comics which can occupy up to 230 of those
pages). The criteria for "older" however is very elastic, mainly
concerning stories that haven't been published in Portugal recently (those
are considered "newer" stories, even if originally from the early 80s or
even before that).
It's published by Abril/Controljornal (an Abril associate that is the
Disney publisher in Portugal) and as such many of the comics presented are
from Brazil, but also featured are many Italian and Egmont D-coded
On occasion "older" one-pagers from America, and other countries
production (some S-Coded and H-coded stories) are also featured.
Some "topical" Disney movie stories have also appeared (with
characters from the Hunchback, Pocahontas and even Tarzan - these aren't
coded but I wouldn't be surprised if some were drawn in Brazil).
Unfortunately, the selection does seem to be most random, with very good
stories alternating with some so-so (sometimes it seems like the editors
look at a couple Brazilian magazines and try to fit them in a volume). In
recent years some "uncoded" stories also appeared, which look like was due
to a lack of interest on the codes rather than an actual attempt to
suppress them (no story codes are added here, the ones presented come from
the originals). As far as I've seen, no Portuguese production of Disney
comics has ever taken place, but the text is usually adapted from the
Brazilian Portuguese to the European variant.
The English translations presented here were done by me, and as such are
not "canonical", and I would welcome any corrections and additions to the
list. Also, in some stories, the lead character is not mentioned in the
title, but I added it preceded by an *. Some stories are also commented,
although very shortly.
Brazilian stories published at HiperDisney in the year 2000 (note -I still
haven't got Vol. 12 No. 2, and No. 11 and 12 are yet to be published. I'll
try adding to it when I get them):
HiperDisney Vol. 12 No 1
B970178 - (Zé Carioca) - Armário X - Os cobradores estão lá fora
[(Joe Carioca) -The X-File - The collectors are out there...] 13 pages
B970138 - (Zé Carioca) - Brincando de Casinha [(Joe Carioca) Playing
"house"] 7 pages
B810098 - (Prof. Pardal, *Lampadinha) - O feiticeiro volta a atacar
[(Gyro Gearloose, *Little Helper) The medicine-man strikes again] 7 pages
- A good, classic Gyro story
B870093 - (Margarida) - Novata, eu? [(Daisy Duck) Me, a rookie?] 10
HiperDisney Vol. 12 No. 3
B960191 - (Zé Carioca) Disk-desencalhe [(Joe Carioca) Dial-a-girlfriend]
9 pages
B970167 - (Zé Carioca) Amigo Cachorro [(Joe Carioca) A dog of a friend]
1 page
B970153 - (Folião) Surfando na Internet [(?????) Surfing on the Internet]
5 pages - I Don't know the English name of the character, can anyone help?
(seems an Italian character - member of Peperetta?? Gang)
B970144 - (Zé Carioca) Roupa suja lava-se em casa [(Joe Carioca) The
washing is done at home] 7 pages
B810029- (Zé Carioca) Quando a esmola é muita... [(Joe Carioca)
When the tip is too big..].7 pages- another "classic" featuring ANACOZECA
- the National Association for Creditors from Joe Carioca
B970149 - (Zé Carioca) A loja no ar [(Joe Carioca) TV-Shopping] 10
HiperDisney Vol. 12 No. 4
B890133 - (Urtigão) O Causo da Véia Torta [(Moe) The case of the
crooked lady] 9 pages - a great story with a strong "hillbilly" flavor
B890099 - (Urtigão) Macacadas caipiras [(Moe) Monkeing around in the
country] 6 pages
B960166 - (Morcego Verde) Cadê a bola [(Green Bat) Where is the ball?] 8
pages - the Green Bat is the "super"-hero alter-ego of Joe Carioca
B870134 - (Margarida) Um banho histórico [(Daisy Duck) An
historical bath] 10 pages
B890092 - (Urtigão) O livrão [(Moe) The (big) book] 6 pages
B880134 - (Maga Patalógika) A velhinha da hora [(Magica de Spell) The old
lady of the hour] 7 pages - featuring Magica's apprentice nephew,
Peralta, which I only found on Brazilian stories so far ... Is it a
"Brazilian" character?
B890126 - (Urtigão) Chega de burrada [(Moe) Enough donkeys, already!] 5
HiperDisney Vol. 12 No. 5
B890087 -(Urtigão) Meu docinho de Abóbora [(Moe) My pumpkin sweet] 8
pages - Moe (almost) meets the Phantom Blot and (definitely) meets Madame
B810071 - (Madame Min) E' aquela água [(Madam Min) Water!!!] 7
HiperDisney Vol. 12 No. 6
B930012 - (Gansolino) O perguiçoso [(Gus Gander) The lazy one] 4
pages - an unusual format for a Brazilian story - its an recreational
story, containing several games and puzzles
B890127 - (Urtigão) Coração bobo [(Moe) Foolish heart] 8 pages
B900051 - (Urtigão) Dá-lhe Urtigão [(Moe) Hit-it, Moe] 8 pages
HiperDisney Vol. 12 No. 7
B900115 - (Urtigão e Madame Min) Asneiras [(Moe and Min)
Foolishness] 9 pages
B860125 - (*Donald) Patópolis na idade da pedra [(*Donald) Duckburg in the
stone age] 10 pages - first on a series of 7 stories forming a
BIG one (107 pages in total), describing the evolution of Duckburg during
the ages, and the importance of the tic-tac-toe stone on its evolution. A
MUST READ series. (even if the first two stories, added later, are a
little weaker than the rest IMHO)
B860127 - (*Horácio) Embarcando numa galera furada [(*Horace
Horsecollar) Boarding a sinking galley] 6 pages
B810040 - (*Peninha) Pena Rubra, o Vinking [(*Fethry) Fethry the Red,
the Viking] 20 pages - the best of the lot, IMHO (but I have a particular
fondness of Fethry, as do many readers of the Brazilian comics)
B810066 - (*Zé Carioca) A invasão dos piratas [(*Joe Carioca) The pirate
invasion] 18 pages - also very good
B810003 - (*Mickey e Pateta) Correio a cavalo [(*Mickey and Goofy) The
pony express] 15 pages - not par with the former, but still good
B810094 - (*Prof Pardal) O século das luzes [(*Gyro Gearloose) The
century of lights] 20 pages - what can I say... I'm a Gyro fan, so any
good story featuring Gyro is great
B820043 - (*Metralhas) O poderoso Metralhão [(*Beagle Boys) Al
Beaglone] 18 pages - A fitting end to a very good series
B900007 - (Urtigão) O feitiço da Firmina [(*Moe) Firmina's spell] 7
pages - I don't believe Firmina (Moe's housekeeper) is featured outside
Brazil, but it is (was?) very much an item on Moe's stories
B970130 - (Zé Carioca) Há genios e génios... [(Joe Carioca)
Geniuses...] 10 pages
HiperDisney Vol. 12 No. 8
B00007 - (Zé Carioca) O réptil devorador [(Joe Carioca) The
reptile...] 12 pages - first 2000 story from Brazil I read. STRANGE art
(inspired on American (non-Disney) comics and watercolor painting??) .
Well worth a look
B990051 - (Zé Carioca) Papagaio ou peão? [(Joe Carioca) Parrot or
Cowboy?] 7 pages - I must say I like the art from the new Joe Carioca
B990048 - (Zé Carioca) A caverna mágica [(Joe Carioca) The magic cavern] 9
B000059 - (Donald) Um desfile monstruoso [(Donald) A monstrous
parade] 11 pages - The new art doesn't seem "quite right" on the Ducks,
?????? - (Mickey) Uma festa muito doida [(Mickey) A very wacky party] 10
pages - No code, but I could swear this is a story from Brazil, from
99/2000 (like the next unnumbered stories on this issue). The new art is
refreshing, but it may be an acquired taste for some. This script is
*really* warped
??????? - (Zé Carioca) O prato do dia [(Joe Carioca) Today's menu] 8
pages - this one is also from Brazil, in the same time frame - don't know
what happened to the codes (perhaps the pages were cropped? Or did they
send the stories without the codes?)
??????? - (Zé Carioca) Que inteligência [(Joe Carioca) Smart... very
smart] 2 pages - like the former
B00057 - (Donald) E para descansar das férias? [(Donald) And to relax
from the holidays?] 10 pages
??????? - (Zé Carioca) O espirito "pascoalicio" [(Joe Carioca) "Eastery"
spirit] 8 pages
??????? - (Mickey e Minnie) Romântico Canino [(Mickey and Minnie)
Dogged Romantic] 8 pages
??????? - (Zé Carioca) Tudo acabado entre nós! [(Joe Carioca) It's the
end of the road for us!] 10 pages
??????? - (Zé Carioca) A misteriosa área 13 [(Joe Carioca) Area 13]
(what else?) 13 pages
??????? - (Zé Carioca) O prémio da lotaria [(Joe Carioca) The big
lotto] 8 pages
HiperDisney Vol. 12 No. 9
??????? - (Zé Carioca) Que artista [(Joe Carioca) What an artist!] 2
pages - "new" art
??????? - (Zé Carioca) As cartas não mentem [(Joe Carioca) The cards
don't lie!] 9 pages - "new" art, but less extreme (99 style?)
??????? - (Zé Carioca) Se não chover, você dança [(Joe Carioca)
Either it rains, or you do the dance] 8 pages
??????? - (Zé Carioca) Loucura na pista [(Joe Carioca) Madness on Formula
1] 9 pages
B990041 - (Zé Carioca) Tudo por amor [(Joe Carioca) All for love] 8
B990055 - (*Pedrão) Pedrão Madrinho [(?????) Fairy God-Pedrão?] 11
pages - Pedrão is a member of Joe Carioca's gang - one of his best
friends. I don't believe it used outside Brazil. Also, I believe it was
the first Disney regular comics character (drawn at least since the 80s,
probably earlier) that is unmistakably a dark-skinned human.
B990054 - (Zé Carioca) Pegou mal [(Joe Carioca) Not so candid
camera] 3 pages
B990043 - (Zé Carioca) O pé frio [(Joe Carioca) Cold foot] 6 pages
B990052 - (Zé Carioca) Rival fixe [(Joe Carioca) A cool rival] 8
pages - again Pedrão is the real lead in this story, this time in his
"super"-hero alter-ego, Capitão Porreta (this was the first time I read of
his alter-ego, I'm sure its seldom used)
HiperDisney Vol. 12 No. 10
B990039 - (Zé Carioca) Pipocas [(Joe Carioca) Popcorn] 9 pages - a Green
Bat adventure
B990031 - (Zé Carioca) Caçadores de Pulgas [(Joe Carioca) Flea
Hunters] 6 pages
B990036 - (Zé Carioca) A verdade está a saltar [(Joe Carioca) The truth
is hopping there] 8 pages - another X-files parody that's also the sequel
to the previous story
B000015 - (Mickey) e o aniversário da Minnie [Mickey) and Minnie's
birthday] 5 pages - in its 2000 stories, the Brasilian artists reverted to
the classic look (red shorts and no shirt) for Mickey
B890179 - (Urtigão e Firmina) Tradição é Tradição [(Moe and Firmina)
Keeping the tradition] 8 pages
B890128 - (Urtigão) O causo da mulher grande [(Moe) The case of the Big
lady] 7 pages
B990034 - (Zé Carioca) A bicicleta [(Joe Carioca) The bicycle] 6
B990028 - (Zé Carioca) Acampamento de Férias [(Joe Carioca) Holiday
Camp] 9 pages (Joe's nephews are the true leads of this story)
??????? - (Zé Carioca) Os lavadeiros [(Joe Carioca) Washing] 6 pages
??????? - (Zé Carioca) Mestre do Origami [(Joe Carioca) Origami
master] 1 page
Note on the codes: BYYNNNN: story NNNN of the year YY, produced in Brazil.
YY==00 for 2000.
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