DCML digest, Vol 1 #465 - 13 msgs

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at cti.gr
Wed Apr 4 07:33:42 CEST 2001


> WDC 35, 1943 - the limber w guest ranch (again)
> In panel 7.1, Donald seems to long for alcoholic drinks: "Lemonade,
> limeade, ginger beer, root ale, malted soda... coca pop!..."

I believe that despite the use of the words "beer" and "ale", all
the drinks mentioned above are soft drinks. Of course, since I don't
think one can get addicted to soda pop (*), as Donald was in that story,
Barks was probably making oblique references to alcoholism. After all,
it's not the only time that Barks used soft drinks as a substitute for
alcoholic drinks. E.g., in the end of "Christmas on Bear Mountain",
Scrooge tells his butler to bring something to the kids, and another
round of lemonade for him and Donald. If it really were lemonade he was
ordering, he would have told the butler to bring some for the kids, too.

(*) Then why do I sometimes get a craving for something cold and fizzy?

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at cti.gr)
	      	(WWW:    http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis)
"You don't sit on the entire sum of human knowledge without learning a thing
 or two."

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