"Carl Barks, l'uomo dei paperi"
Francesco Spreafico
frspreaf at tin.it
Sat Apr 7 21:42:50 CEST 2001
That means "Carl Barks, the Duck Man" and is the title of an Italian new
book dedicated to the Master (for his 100th birthday).
It's a 322 page paperback (no HC version I think), quite cheap (8.73 Euro)
definitely interesting!
It's filled with articles by List members Luca Boschi (LBs) and Alberto
Becattini (AB)
as much as by Zio Paperone editor Lidia Cannatella.
And not only articles, also many stories by Barks (both in Italian and
English) and some new stories, or reprints, by other artists.
To be peculiar:, here's the summary:
- Editorial by Lidia Cannatella
- A little biography by LBs
- An article about Barks' old non-disney panels by LBs
- An article about Barls s animator, by AB
- A complete Barks' filmography (!!), by AB
- An article about "Northwest Mounted", a never released toon, by LBs
- "Northwest Mounted" storyboard (more than 20 pages of this)
- An article about Barks and comics by LBs
- An article about Barks' "Old California" by Lidia Cannatella
- "Donald Duck in Old California" (W OS 328-02, both in Italian and in
- An article about Barks' sources
- An article about "Not-so-ancient Mariner" by AB
- "The Not-so-ancient Mariner" (W WDC 312-01, it and en)
- A 1998 interview wih Barks by Lidia Cannatella
- An article about Barks' characters by AB
- An article about the non-Barks following stories, by Lidi Cannatella
- An article about the following Bottaro story, by Lidia Cannatella
- "Paperino e la vera storia della cimice Tuff-Tuff". New story by Luciano
Bottaro inspired by Barks' "tuff-tuff"
- An article about the following De Vita story, by Lidia Cannatella
- "Topolino e l'imperatore d'America". New story by Massimo De Vita
inspired by Barks' "Viking Helmet"
- An article about the following Cavazzano's story, by Lidia Cannatella
- "Zio Paperone e l'uomo dei paperi", classical Cavazzano's sotry
starring Barks I TL 1919-C
- An article about the following Carpi's story, by LBs
- "Sta' in guardia dal lago di Garda". Carpi's version of Barks' original
script for "Be Leery of Lake Eerie" (W JW 17-01)
- An article about the following Vicar's story, by AB
- "Andiamoci piano con il deltaplano!", by Vicar (D 6886, originally
written by Barks)
- Article about Don Rosa by LBs
- "Archimede Pitagorico in "il pifferaio di Paperopoli""
("The pied Piper of Duckburg") by Rosa and Barks (H 87173)
- Article by LBs about the Rosa/Barks meeting
- An article about the following Jippes' story, by AB
- "Le Giovani Marmotte e le balene in pericolo" ("Wailing Whalers"),
by Jippes (H 98239, written by Barks)
- An article by LBs about Barks' 1994 trip in Italy
- A quiz/test about Barks' stories by LBs
And many, *many* sketches, pencils, covers, oils, all scattered throughout
the book. Definitely worth the cost.
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