DCML digest, Vol 1 #492 - 16 msgs

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Thu Apr 19 22:32:10 CEST 2001

From: "Fluks, H.W." <H.W.Fluks at kpn.com>
>>>Thanks for the explanation! So I *do* need those two pages in their
form! You're saying they are not interesting, but that's not the point. I'm
a collector of your stories. And I'm an indexer. I need to have things
complete. (It's a disease, I know.)

Don't I know it! I'm a carrier. Okay, next time we exchange the stuff we
exchange, remind me and I'll make copies of those missing panels for you.
But sh -- don't tell anybody!

>>>Maybe, in the future, there will be a "Don Rosa part 3", with *all* your
other non-Disney and pseudo-Disney artwork in it. I'm sure that fills
another 200 pages easily...

It would fill about 1,000 pages easily! Perhaps 2,000? First you have the
dozens of elaborate full-color private commission pieces I've done for the
past 14 years for fans, then there's the half-dozen other fanzine strips I
did (mostly sword & sorcery or horror or SF), then the many hundreds of
fanzine illustrations and covers I did in the 70's, then the hundreds of
political cartoons I did in college, then the hundreds of pages of comics I
did in high school for my friends and all the work I did for the high
school papers, then the cartoons in my grade school paper, and THEN there
are the hundreds of full comic stories that I wrote and drew as a kiddie
from age 7 to about 15, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF WHICH I STILL HAVE. But you
don't wanna see ALL that stuff! I mean, at some point you'll be forced to
scream, "whoaa -- this is crap!"
But hey, speakin' of crap, have we ever seen anyone as full of the stuff as
Angelo Toti/Totti? Wotta laff riot!!!

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