Brazilian stories!

Francesco Spreafico frspreaf at
Fri Apr 20 19:43:02 CEST 2001

From: "Fernando Ventura" <fernandopventura at>

>'s true! In general, 10 pages! You know somethign? I'm thinkign
> it yesterday...I really think that the "short" italian stories aren't
> on my oppinion, of course! For example, I've saw the last's Biquinhos's I
> Coded histories, and I disliked it ...the plot was not workign so weel,
> appearing to stop on the middle, but it's the end! And, on my oppinion, I
> think the brazilian's writters are VERY GOOD with the "shorts" storys,
> it flows very good, and they stoped without a "?!"!!!

In general I agree, I liked the short Brasilian stories better than these
short Italian stories (with many exceptions, both ways)

> So, we need to try to be good on this 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12
> it? Yes, sometimes the ideas are more big than that, but it depend's on
> artist...! In my case, I like to do the short one's, since I can express
> myself better on "crazy comics", than "adventures plots"...! Yet! I just
> writte few stories...unfortunatelly! Since I have the pretensious of do
> for the rest of my life...! And I'm just 20 years old, so I aspec to do
> lot's of things...

I'm always impressed by all you (so) young creators, I don't hink that here
in Italy we have people THIS young creating Disney comics, even though, of
course, I can't tell for sure since most names are only.., "names" for me.

> YES!!! Please! I bought today a Scarpa(just draw)story, and next week I'm
> sure I will find more brazilian reprints of Scarpa's to you!

One's enough, I'm sending you one comic, not one thousand :-)
I'll send it next week anyway. You take your time, I'm in no hurry.

Sprea (Scarpa)

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