Raptus as Website for Artist's samples

Rob Klein bi442 at lafn.org
Mon Apr 23 10:51:21 CEST 2001

Soeren, I forgot that your Raptus site probably has the most samples of
Disney comic artist's work.  Should the rest of us who have the work of
other artists, and can identify it, send labeled scans to you for YOU to
compile on Raptus?

I remember seeing a few other sites with some Italian artists' work samples
and biographies (Alex Goerig, etc.)   I don't remember seeing one with the
Western Publishing, Dutch, French, or Brasilian productions artists.

I have seen some printed sources such as "Striprofiel" a Dutch fanzine,
which in 1974 (or was it 1976?) printed articles identifying many Disney
comics artists' work with an example panel.  They may have been only the
Dutch artists (but that would be ALL of them at that time).  Also, a German
fanzine had a similar format for Italian and US artists (from the late
1970s).  I have both of those fanzines, but I may not be able to access
them until I return to Europe a little over a month from now.  Perhaps
people with connections to the Disney Office or Franchisee in each country
could help us identify examples of the more obscure artists.

Rob Klein

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