Death in Disney comics (again)

Botto Armando Armando.Botto at
Wed Aug 1 14:45:03 CEST 2001

> Interesting! Did I understand correctly: There is no Perego art 
> neither in the original story nor in any Italian "i classici" 
> reprint? 


> That means that Perego re-drew the scene for non-Italian 
> paperbacks only?

Indeed. "Lustige Taschenbücher" no. 13 came out in 1970, only one year after
the first Italian reprint ("Classici di Walt Disney" no. 32). Probably the
German editors, while translating the "Classici" book, found something wrong
in the original scene, and they asked Mondadori for a replacement. Perego
has been used many times for such kind of "editing"...
> If you would like to know what Petri was talking about, have a look 
> at the German version in "Lustige Taschenbücher" no. 13:

I'm going to provide Hans with the scans of the original version of the
scene, so that he can put them online for comparison.
Maybe there were too many soldiers and too many bombs in the Carpi version?
Or maybe the scene of the explosion was deemed too explicit? Oh well...

> And while we're at it: could you please check the original version of 
> the following panel on page 39 of the same story: 
> The Phantom Blot's face looks a bit like Perego art IMO. But 
> maybe I'm just imagining things...

I have the same impression. I'll check tonight...


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