Death in Disney comics

Petri Kanninen pkanninen at
Wed Aug 1 14:39:56 CEST 2001


>I'll be more precise tonight (and I'll also provide scans to Petri, for him 
>to put them on the net),

I could put it on our pocket book site. It could interest some people 
(non-DCML) to see what changes were made.

>but I seem to remember the scene takes just a few panels in the original 
>The Inducks currently reports that the TM 27 reprint (which came out > in 
>1994) is 40 pages long, exactly like the original version - which > seems 
>to imply that no addition was made (maybe Marco Barlotti can verify?).

That's funny. The Finnish version is also 40 pages long, so if the original 
scene is only few panels they must have cut something out. But I don't 
recall any gaps in the plot.
Oh, it would sure be nice to live in a bigger apartment so my collection 
could fit in it.

>It seems strange, though, that the Finnish editors had an Italian
>artist perform such a modification... BTW, Petri, could you tell us > in 
>which Finnish edition you've read the modified story?

It's in the Finnish pocket book (Aku Ankan taskukirja) number 3 that is the 
reprint of Italian CWD 32. Strange, you would think that the change would be 
in the Italian edition too. And there is only one year between the two 
How about other reprints? The story is at least reprinted in Lustiges 
Taschenbuch 13, Kalle Ankas pocket bok 11 and Mickey Parade 886 (or 12? I 
don't get French issue numbers). Is anyone willing to check?

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