four or five; octal systems; polydactylism

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Fri Feb 2 17:52:08 CET 2001

NILS LID HJORT, 26-01-2001:

> 2. There are examples where a person suddenly and for a short time
> develops an extraneous finger, typically under stressful
> circumstances. [...]

> Gyro Gearloose, in the "Firefly tracker" story, US 27/1959;
> check the "Hey!... That's it! Fireflies!" picture.

This fifth finger on panel 1.5 looks different from the other fingers
(it's longer), so I think it must be a part of Gyro's hand or his
clothes. Not being able to identify what it is instead of a finger, 
I do think it does looks a bit odd.

> Donald, in the "Midget racers" story, WD 166/1954; check the
> "Oh, my stars! ..." picture. 

The part which seems to be the fifth finger on panel 3.6 looks more
like a part of Donald's hand to me.

> Donald, in the "Omelet" story, WD 146/1952; check the "Umteen tons of
> feed ..." picture.

The part which seems to be the fifth finger on panel 8.5 looks more
like a part of Donald's hand to me.
(Yes, I know how to copy and paste. :-))

> Again, there are many other instances, also for other inhabitants,
> in Barks stories.

Is a list of these instances available?

Best wishes,

--- Daniel, who has heard of people who were born with a sixth
    finger. (I'm serious.)

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