War surplus in "Volcano Valley"

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at kabelfoon.nl
Tue Feb 6 22:48:54 CET 2001


> Yet another WW II reference could be the start of the FC 147 
> Volcano Valley 1947 story. It is clear that the bomber airplane
> Donald buys (for the equivalent of 3 dollars) is from a 
> "war surplus" sale, which in the minds of every 1947 reader
> must have meant "after the WW II". 

This bomber is identified as number "B-197 X-NG". Is this an
existing number, for example meaning a certain type of bomber
used in WWII?

Best wishes,

--- Daniel

"If there's been a mistake, it is your hard luck! You must take
what is sent you - and there'll be no refunds on your money!"

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