Francesco Spreafico: Italian Artists, Renato Canini

Paolo Castagno p.castagno at
Sun Jan 7 19:14:12 CET 2001

Fernando Ventura wrote:

> > Alessandro Barbucci (Paperino Paperotto is GREAT!!! It goes to the
> writters
> > of this too!)
> I hate Paperino Paperotto(...)
> It's very much "Calvin and Hobbes"..."Inspiration"?!
> Weel...I like...
> :)

Surely Paperino Paperotto is a funny character, and I agree with
you in identifying its inspiration in Calvin & Hobbes stories (as
once Armando suggested to me) and I like his stories. 

I think a way to appreciate them is not to consider the main
character as a young Donald, but as a new character, without
implications on the "real" Donald stories.

> I can use the Fethry' original design(well, not the original, the Hubbard's
> style), for example?

Well, I don't think you'll be supported in writing stories with
Pena das Selvas, et similia.

> I can work with any Disney Universe...for example, "Os Adolescentes"?

I'm answering only by knowing what is the actual situation: Os
Adolescentes stories were reprinted in Italy during early 90ties,
but were all Brazilian stories. In Italy they never produced
anything with them. So I don't think they are interested in them.

  - Paolo

--  mailto:p.castagno at
Bip bip! Un quarto di litro di olio da rodaggio! Sono nuovo come
motore! (Atomino bip bip in I TL  231-A)

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