January 2001 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Jan 1 00:41:37 CEST 2001
Ending: Wed Jan 31 22:36:47 CEST 2001
Messages: 249
- Happy New Year!
Stefan Persson
- Happy New Year!
Stefan Persson
- Merry Christmas! and Happy New Year!
- Entertainment Weekly and "essential works"
John Chadwick
- mathematics in Duckburg: public lecture
Nils Lid Hjort
- New subscriber...
Kristoffer Björkström
- digest #364
Don Rosa
- Denmark and Argentina
Didier Ghez
- Various
Eirik Jørgensen Sollie
- Barks on CBS
Donald Ault
- Comic shops on DCW
Arthur de Wolf
- Comic shops on DCW
Søren Krarup Olesen
- [Fwd: EW]
John Chadwick
- New list for convention goers
John Chadwick
- LTB specials 2001
Claudio Eckert
- 100 years Carl Barks on March's Komix
Apostolis Trikourakis
- What shall I do?
Mauro Montemagno
- English
unggul_jaya at themail.com
- English
unggul_jaya at themail.com
- Turkish [OT]
Søren Krarup Olesen
- Silvia Ziche, Italian artists, Disney style
Fernando Ventura
- Francesco Spreafico: Italian Artists, Renato Canini
Fernando Ventura
- Laura Bozzano
Fernando Ventura
- Mery Krismus an a hapi neu yeer!
Paolo Castagno
- Kari Korhonen
Paolo Castagno
- bookmarks
timo ronkainen
- Silvia Ziche, Italian artists, Disney style
Francesco Spreafico
- Silvia Ziche, Italian artists, Disney style
Søren Krarup Olesen
- Silvia Ziche, Italian artists, Disney style
Francesco Spreafico
- Francesco Spreafico: Italian Artists, Renato Canini
Francesco Spreafico
- Kari Korhonen
Fabio Blanco
- List of creators!
Fernando Ventura
- List of Creators!
Fernando Ventura
- Interisting numbers about brazilian production-2000
Fernando Ventura
- Creators on DCML-Updated
Fernando Ventura
- Silvia Ziche, Italian artists, Disney style
Søren Krarup Olesen
- Francesco Spreafico: Italian Artists, Renato Canini
Paolo Castagno
- Silvia Ziche, Italian artists, Disney style
Francesco Spreafico
- List of creators!
Francesco Spreafico
- List of Creators!
Francesco Spreafico
- R: List of Creators!
Luca Boschi
- Scrooge's past
Candico86 at aol.com
- Carl Barks and Peg-leg-Pete
Marco Barlotti
- List of creators!
Fluks, H.W.
- List of creators!
Fluks, H.W.
- Silvia Ziche, Italian artists, Disney style
Alex Görig
- More creators and some answers?!?!?
Fernando Ventura
- Guido Scala
Luca Boschi
- Gold Key comics collector looking for correspondents
Fluks, H.W.
- Fw: Disney Creator DCML Members
Rob Klein
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #368 - 5 msgs
Kriton Kyrimis
- More creators
Fluks, H.W.
- Harry: Correcting myself!
Fernando Ventura
- easy quiz
Marco Barlotti
- Floyd Gottfredson
Thierry Fernand
- easy quiz
Fluks, H.W.
- Carl Barks and Peg-leg-Pete
DGE at ECN.egmont.com
- Carl Barks and Peg-leg-Pete
Donald Ault
- Carl Barks, Black Pete and Peg-leg-Pete
Luca Boschi
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #371 - 11 msgs
- Kari Korhonen
Tuukka Heimola
- Disney Creators
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Carl Barks, Black Pete and Peg-leg-Pete
Fluks, H.W.
- Carl Barks and Peg Leg Pete
Rob Klein
- Black Pete & Pierre De Fraud
Eta Beta
- Ed Lucacs / Gyro's thinking cap
Fluks, H.W.
- Guido Scala and Spanish scrap
Santiago Garcia Banhos
- Carl Barks and Peg-leg-Pete
Marco Barlotti
- Carl Barks, Bill Wright and Peg-leg-Pete
Luca Boschi
- Carl Barks and Peg-leg-Pete
DGE at ecn.egmont.com
- Kari Korhonen
timo ronkainen
- Pete, or Gambadilegno
Henri Kunne
- Pete, or Gambadilegno
Francesco Spreafico
- Carl Barks, Bill Wright and Peg-leg-Pete
John Chadwick
- Pete, or Gambadilegno, or other Petes
Luca Boschi
- Disney Comics news
Thierry Fernand
- Creators List and Scala!
Fernando Ventura
- my easy quiz
Marco Barlotti
- my easy quiz
Botto Armando
- Finnish Donald Duck artists
BFOSTERLA at aol.com
- Finnish Donald Duck artists
Fluks, H.W.
- Finnish Donald Duck artists
Stefan Persson
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #373 - 5 msgs
timo ronkainen
- Pete, or Gambadilegno
Henri Kunne
- Peg-leg Pete / Black Pete
Rod Davidek
- Whats New
Kenneth Glendinning
- Life imitating Barks
Jonathan Markoff
- Carol Voges, 1925-2001.
Fluks, H.W.
- DCML Members Creators List - Bob Foster
Rob Klein
- my easy quiz
Frank Stajano
- Peg-leg Pete/ Black Pete
Rod Davidek
- Pete, or Gambadilegno, or other Petes
DGE at ECN.egmont.com
- Guido Scala
Alex Görig
- Jukka Murtosaari - Finnish DD artists
timo ronkainen
- R: Peg-leg Pete / Black Pete
Luca Boschi
- past again
Candico86 at aol.com
- Peg-leg Pete / Black Pete
timo ronkainen
- Carol Voges, 1925-2001
Henri Kunne
- The Master Rainmaker
Marco Barlotti
- The Master Rainmaker
Frank Stajano
- Carol Voges, 1925-2001
Frank Stajano
- Bob Foster: storyboard sketches!
Fernando Ventura
- R: Peg-leg Pete / Black Pete
Luca Boschi
- R: Carol Voges, 1925-2001
Luca Boschi
- Carol Voges' Ducks
Rob Klein
- Carol Voges
François Willot
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #376 (Re: Carol Voges, 1925-2001)
Pascal Oost
- Donald Duck Comic Strip
BFOSTERLA at aol.com
- Carol Voges' Ducks II
Rob Klein
- Carol Voges
Frank Stajano
- past again
Santiago Garcia Banhos
- Oost
Fluks, H.W.
- Henri: Carol Voges
Fluks, H.W.
- FMS on The Master Rainmaker
Marco Barlotti
- FMS on The Master Rainmaker
Santiago Garcia Banhos
- Re-Reply to Bob Foster!
Fernando Ventura
- How good are the artists?
Sandven, Halvor
- Reply to Fernando Ventura
BFOSTERLA at aol.com
- One more Peg-Leg in comic books!
Luca Boschi
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #377 - 15 msgs
Henri Kunne
- Donald Duck Comic Strip
Stefan Persson
- Pete
Marco Barlotti
- R: Pete
Luca Boschi
- Pete
Botto Armando
- R: Pete
Paolo Castagno
- R: Pete
Søren Krarup Olesen
- R: Pete
Paolo Castagno
- Black Pierre
Luca Boschi
- R: R: Pete
Luca Boschi
- Black Pierre
Botto Armando
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #379 - 8 msgs
DGE at ECN.egmont.com
- Meeting in Copenhagen
Fluks, H.W.
- More About Pete
RMorris306 at aol.com
- Rich: More About Pete
Fluks, H.W.
- Character profiles?
pertti.ruismaki at datex-ohmeda.com
- some duck book questions
Georgia D.
- Gloves and shoes
Merlin Haas
- availability
- Scrooge
Candico86 at aol.com
- Subject: How good are the artists?
Simo Malinen
- Subject: How good are the artists?
Francesco Spreafico
- Scrooge
Francesco Spreafico
- Scrooge
- Sv: Uncle Scrooge Mc Duck His Life And Times
Martin Olsen
- The Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck
Candico86 at aol.com
- The Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck
Francesco Spreafico
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #382 - 3 msgs
Alipio d'Oliveira Coelho
- Address change
Thierry Fernand
- Sardine rain??
Francesco Spreafico
- Sardine rain??
Francesco Spreafico
- Scrooge
- Scrooge
Kevin Clark
- SV: Sardine rain??
-= Steamboat Willie =-
- Marco Barlotti: Livia?!
Fernando Ventura
Kenneth Glendinning
- American Royal arts..
timo ronkainen
- "Original" master rainmaker
Marco Barlotti
- (no subject)
Candico86 at aol.com
- What happened to Livia?
Marco Barlotti
- SV: DCML digest, Vol 1 #382 - 3 msgs
Bror.Hellman at partena.se
- SV: availability
Bror.Hellman at partena.se
- SV: (no subject)
Bror.Hellman at partena.se
- Uncle Scrooge Mc Duck His Life And Times
- German "Donald Duck Sonderheft", Carol Voges
Jan Follak
- Bror RE: (no subject)
Fluks, H.W.
Fluks, H.W.
- What happened to Livia
Thierry Fernand
- New site
Kenneth Glendinning
- Warning: New site
Fluks, H.W.
- Warning: new website is not worth the visit
Thierry Fernand
- DuckHunt Website/Rosa in English
Leo Schulte
- New site
Kevin Clark
Kenneth Glendinning
- Kenneth: new site
Fluks, H.W.
- Rosa in English
Fluks, H.W.
- Warning: new website is not worth the visit
- Rosa in Holland
Fluks, H.W.
- Sardine rain??
Francesco Spreafico
- Bob Foster cover sketches
François Willot
- Mathematics in Duckburg
Nils Lid Hjort
- reference needed
Nils Lid Hjort
- I'm sorry!!!
Fernando Ventura
- Those liberal scot warriors
Mike Pohjola
- Four or five fingers
- Scrooge's assets (was Re: Four or five fingers)
Kevin Clark
- Scrooge's assets
Kenneth Glendinning
- Cover Sketches again
François Willot
- Kenneth: new site
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Four or five fingers
François Willot
- R: Cover Sketches again
Luca Boschi
- reference needed
Henri Kunne
- Scrooge's assets
Becca Ridout
- where's scrooge??
sigve jacob
- Five fingers in Shacktown?
Daniel van Eijmeren
- four or five; octal systems; polydactylism
Nils Lid Hjort
- Ludwig von Drake, "finally back!"
Nils Lid Hjort
- Ludwig von Drake, "finally back!"
Stefan Persson
- Don Rosa's pre-scetches for the Bin
Apostolis Trikourakis
- Nils Lid Hjort: Ludwig Von Drake!
Fernando Ventura
- Mathematics in Duckburg: outline of lecture
Nils Lid Hjort
- 4 fingers
Kenneth Glendinning
- where's scrooge??
Kenneth Glendinning
- Nils Lid Hjort: Ludwig von Drake, "finally back!"
Arthur Faria Jr.
- Oops! Wrong Livia's URL
Arthur Faria Jr.
- service
Candico86 at aol.com
- Sv: Ludwig von Drake, "finally back!"
Lars Jensen
- service
- service
John Chadwick
- WC
jyri lehtinen
- A Goofy Look at...!
Fernando Ventura
- KOMIX #152
Kriton Kyrimis
- Comics and members in Rio de Janeiro
Didier Ghez
- WC
DGE at ECN.egmont.com
- digest #391
Don Rosa
- WC
Kriton Kyrimis
Thierry Fernand
- 5 fingers in Christmas for Shacktown ?
François Willot
- Daniel: new site
Fluks, H.W.
- service
Stefan Diös
- home
Candico86 at aol.com
- service
Fabio Blanco
- Censorship?
Kevin Clark
- Censorship?
Fabio Blanco
- home
Paolo Castagno
- Don, US and WWII
Paolo Castagno
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #392 - 12 msgs
Kriton Kyrimis
- Jap ambush! (Stefan)
Eta Beta
- Daniel: new site
Kenneth Glendinning
- Kenneth
Fluks, H.W.
- phantom blot
Kenneth Glendinning
- phantom blot
Fluks, H.W.
- phantom blot
Botto Armando
- Copenhagen (quite long and hardly on-topic..)
Fluks, H.W.
- phantom blot
Kenneth Glendinning
- Ducks at WW2
Kenneth Glendinning
- phantom blot
SRoweCanoe at aol.com
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #389 - 10 msgs
bhc at primenet.com
- kyrimis@cti.gr
jyri lehtinen
- WDC 56
Rodney w bowcock jr.
- Service
Carey Furlong
- [Fwd: Re: Service]
Carey Furlong
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #393 - 15 msgs
Don Rosa
- Slightly off-topic but WWII-related (slightly, at least)
Klaus Harms
- DCML digest, Vol 1 #393 - 15 msgs
Kriton Kyrimis
- digest #394
Don Rosa
- kyrimis@cti.gr
Dan Shane
- WCs
Fluks, H.W.
- World Wide Disney Comics
Kenneth Glendinning
- Unpublished sketches and drawings
François Willot
Last message date:
Wed Jan 31 22:36:47 CEST 2001
Archived on: Thu Mar 23 17:28:20 CEST 2006
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).