Kenneth: new site

Fluks, H.W. H.W.Fluks at
Tue Jan 23 09:56:07 CET 2001

> From: Kenneth Glendinning [mailto:neth80 at]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 6:41 AM

> I did warn you that it is still 
> being worked on [comma] I still do not know what format to
> put it in [comma] I was hop[]ing 
> for a little input but not m[a]ny people have told me
> any[no space]thing helpful[one l only]

This mailing list is about Disney comics. Not about the basics of designing
a web page.
If you only have a text editor, and don't want to learn HTML, there's no use
in trying to make a web site that is appreciated by others.

Try to find a place on the Web where you can learn about web design.
And about the spelling of the English language.


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