Kenneth Glendinning neth80 at
Tue Jan 23 06:41:02 CET 2001

In reply to kevin clarks letter.
1.yes the green text and back groung is hard to see but as I have said I am 
still changeing the site as it used to be for some thing else.
2.The long unbrakeable text can not be helped as I do not know html code so 
I have to use a basic editer
3.The format of the page is set like I said before the page used to be some 
thing else have a look at the link that says history and geneolgy and you 
will see what I mean.
4.I do not see why the image has to match the name of the site but I can put 
others there if you think it will matter at all.
5.Yes the spelling is poor I am working on that.
6.Now as for the history if you read it I am not talking about comic books 
when I start off I am talking about comics.
As you must know comic books came much later.
As for the title batman and superman they came out much latter than
detective Comics and Action Comics if you read what I was saying I was 
talking about war time and the 40's not the 1938 action comics which is much 
older it may just be a bad choice of words on my part.
And I tell you my early history is very correct most of info came from (for 
you people that want to know)a book done by denis gifford a colecter that 
has been looking into is for meny years.
GET the book THE INTERNATIONAL BOOK OF COMICS if you want the real history.

To all you people that did not like my site I did warn you that it is still 
being worked on I still do not know what format to put it in I was hopeing 
for a little input but not meny people have told me any thing helpfull as 
every body seems to thing they know it all well keep a eye on the site (It 
is only one page) as it grows.
Anyway thank you Kevin Clark as you are the only one that has tryed to put 
any input in.

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