Re-Reply to Bob Foster!

Fernando Ventura fernandopventura at
Mon Jan 15 12:37:12 CET 2001

>The Disney licensee in Brazil (is it Abril?)
Yes, it is!

contacted Disney Publishing in
>Burbank and requested some stories for their publications in Brazil.

Strange! They made some Hunchback histories, with writing of Gérson
Teixeira, very good brazilian writer!

 I was
>asked to create several short stories (6 - 8 pages, as I recall) using the
>Hercules characters, and that's probably what you saw.  I've never seen any
>of the stories. I wrote them in script form (typewritten), not in
>"storyboard" form, so there are no sketches.]

First I like to say that the stories are very good! Congratulations!
I saw 6 Hercules histories:

B 980003-O Clube de Ginástica de Hércules (Pain and Panic do some exercises
on Hercule's academy)

B 980003a-Os Estábulos de Augias (Hercules makes a local to the future
marriage of the 50 ths daughters of the King of Élida)

B 980011-Trabalhando em Equipe (Herc and his father learning how to work

B 980001a-O Monstro de Tebas (Hades create a new Titan, Taggus Graffitus)

B 980015-Passeio Perigoso (Young Hercules need to repair his parent's fence)

B 980004- As Tarefas de Hércules (Young Hercules has some problems to put
the trash out of the house)

You can confirm this histories as your? And if this are by you, there are
some that I forgot? I like to ask you, too, if you are the writer of some
others short histories, with Mulan and Tarzan, that are draw on Brazil too?
Thank You, Very Much!!!


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