digest #394

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Wed Jan 31 13:31:46 CET 2001

> > WWII is never mentioned in Don Rosa or Carl Barks stories.

I should have reacted to that earlier.
Yes, I *have* mentioned wars in my stories. In "Return to Plain Awful" I
mentioned both WWI *and* WWII in a single panel. I've also made mention of
the Boer War, various and sundry genocides and inquisitions by Spain and
other colonizing powers, and other battles and "social unpleasantries" that
I don't recall offhand. Those wars and all other events of history are the
existing background of each of my stories. All I was saying is that I can't
or won't directly tell a story about Donald's or $crooge's wartime
activities, if any.

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