
Stefan Diös pyas at
Mon Jan 29 22:57:35 CET 2001

>WWII is never mentioned in Don Rosa or Carl Barks stories

Well, Barks gives more than a slight hint in WDC #56 (May 1945), where a
sleep-walking Donald mistakes some firecrackers for machine guns and, still
in his sleep, proceeds to chase the nephews shouting:

"It's a Jap ambush! -- I see you, you little slant-eyed nips! I'll skewer
you on my bayonet like mutton chops! -- Jump in the ocean and swim back to

When the story was published in Sweden in 1959, this belligerent dialog
actually was translated more or less literally. I was involved in the
reprint in 1988 and decided it was time to tone it down ever so slightly...

What happened in other countries?

Stefan Dios
Malmo, Sweden

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