Jukka Murtosaari - Finnish DD artists

timo ronkainen timoro at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 12 18:04:22 CET 2001

>Subject: Finnish Donald Duck artists
>To: dcml at stp.ling.uu.se
>Jukka Murtosaari lived and worked in Burbank for about a year, back around
>1991 or 1992. He's from Helsinki, Finland, I believe he's living in Finland 

Jukka moved just recently to Portugal, to live with his portugese wife.
He still does various comics and have just begun to do his own comic album, 
which he had planned for years, but hadn´t enough time until now.

Timo Ronkainen

"Rumble on, buxom bumble bee!
Go sit on cowslip - far from me!"

timoro at hotmail.com
timoro at sunpoint.net

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