Kari Korhonen

timo ronkainen timoro at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 10 14:06:55 CET 2001

>    6. Re: Kari Korhonen (Tuukka Heimola)
>From: "Tuukka Heimola" <tuukka.heimola at pp.inet.fi>
>To: <dcml at stp.ling.uu.se>
>Subject: Re: Kari Korhonen
>Kari Korhonen is the first (and only) finnish drawer who has done
>internationally published Donald Duck comics.  I don't know if he (yes
>that's right, Kari is a man) has a website or not, but if I find some more
>information about him I'll let you know.

As I couple of weeks ago announced here, I have made a page about Finnish 
Disney-artists ("Sisu, sauna and Ducks"), Kari Korhonen is there too - of 
URL is: http://members.nbci.com/timoro/pamaus/finnish.htm

And OBS, Per: You can use texts in there for DCML-creators pages.

Timo Ronkainen
Finnish Donaldists

"Rumble on, buxom bumble bee!
Go sit on cowslip - far from me!"

timoro at hotmail.com
timoro at sunpoint.net

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