DCML digest, Vol 1 #379 - 8 msgs

DGE@ECN.egmont.com DGE at ECN.egmont.com
Wed Jan 17 12:19:07 CET 2001

	I can see it now...

	Sylvester Shyster: "Thunderation, Pete! What's there to get so
*excited* about?"
	Eli Squinch: "Aye! I was winnin' th' chess game till *you* came in,
goldarn ye!"
	Black Pete: ">Pant! Pant!< No funny bizness! Yuh'll never believe
it, swabs, but..."
	Shyster: "It couldn't be!"
	Pete: "Yeah! >Har!< But it *is!*"
	Shyster: "It *is*? *It* is? But it would take *incredible*
	Squinch: "An' ye ain't got the brains, ye consarned fat fool!"
	Shyster: "...to actually get *rid* of Mickey Mouse for *good*! Pete,
I'm pleasantly surprised! Take off your hat, Eli! I'll pour the champagne,
and we'll drink in memory of-"
	Pete: "Naw, dat ain't it! Gang, I just took over thuh *Disney comics
mailin' list*! Every message in thuh last digest wuz about me, see? Nuthin'
fer nobuddy else! I never saw nuthin' like it before, an' I just thought I'd
bust in an' tell yuh, guys..."
	Pete: "Guys?!"
	[sounds of loud fighting as the others attack Pete]

	David Gerstein
	(not acting in professional capacity today)

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