Nils Lid Hjort: Ludwig von Drake, "finally back!"

Arthur Faria Jr. arthurfaria at
Sun Jan 28 04:25:21 CET 2001

> So Ludwig vD is "dead" in Egmont Europe, but not necessarily
> in other empires. I understand he is fairly often seen and used
> in South America, in particular Brazil? 

Yes, LVD was always alive and healthy in Brazil and driving
everybody crazy with his expertness. But
not so often nowadays, since Brazilian production is almost
stopping... again! :-( 

> I was recently made aware of a 46-page story about the history
> of computers, published in Brazil (?), featuring still-alive
> Ludwig vD on the cover as well as in the story. -- Can anyone
> provide more accurate information? Can one buy this magazine, somehow? 

This book was published in Brazil and Portugal, AFAIK. It's quite
rare, I don't have it. I think that there still are scans of it at:

     -- Arthur.

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