Mickey the detective

Cebarat@aol.com Cebarat at aol.com
Thu Mar 15 16:49:54 CET 2001

Lars Jensen wrote:

> And I see you call Mickey Mouse "the most clever detective of Duckburg". He'
> s not. While he *should* be pretty good at investigating stuff due to his 
> natural curiosity, the characterization of him as a detective only brings 
> back memories of the boring, bland and smug Mickey of the 60s and 70s. The "
> detective persona" is what for decades made millions of children dislike 
> Mickey. At least, that's how it seems to me.

Personally, I think that casting Mickey as a detective was the only thing 
that KEPT him from being a completely "boring, bland, and smug" character.  
As the Disney Studio converted Mickey into a corporate icon, the comics 
continued to portray him as a resourceful adventurer/detective, and did so 
almost to the bitter end of Gold Key/Whitman comics.

Chris Barat

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