DCML digest, Vol 1 #451 - 16 msgs

Rodney w bowcock jr. rodney-selfhelpbikeco at juno.com
Sat Mar 24 16:52:08 CET 2001

I visited Don Rosa at his home last year, and I found him to be very
hospitable and a pleasure to talk to......nothing like what Morgan
describes.....and yes.......he even signed something for me.  A friend of
mine attended a signing several years ago, and Don did do a drawing for
him, and chatted for a few minutes while he was drawing.  The fee for
this was a $5 donation to Ducks Unlimited.  

I think most of us have had good experiences meeting Don Rosa, but I felt
kinda irritated after reading Morgan's comments about him and felt the
need to put in my two cents.


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