Aye, caramba!

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Thu May 3 14:15:59 CEST 2001

From: "Michael Rhode" <mrhode at hotmail.com>
>>>>Not really comics, but after Don's recent story, this will probably be
interest. 'The Three Caballeros' Reunite for Cinco de Mayo Episode Of
'Disney's House
of Mouse': The ever-volatile Donald Duck becomes perturbed when nobody
remembers his
role alongside his ``Three Caballeros'' partners, parrot Jose Carioca and
rooster Panchito. Thus, Donald sets out to redefine himself as the star of
singing group throughout the episode.

This was the problem I had when wanting to "re"introduce Jose and Panchito
into the Duck comics, even though they have never *really* existed there
before. Disney employs these two characters as well as Donald and *all* of
their characters not *as characters*, but as *actors* under (permanent)
contract, like the stable of actors of a movie studio in Hollywood's Golden
Age. They are "assigned" roles in films which they act out. I wanted to
suggest that Donald knew Jose and Panchito as old pals from years back, but
since "The Three Caballeros"  was simply a musical-comedy travelogue
(though a great one), it was impossible for me to make a direct reference
to anything about it. As you see in this Disney press release, Disney
regards the film as having simply been a sequence in a "nightclub act".

From: "Olivier" <mouse-ducks at wanadoo.fr>
>>>To anyone who has Don Rosa's "Return of  the Three Caballeros"
(Mr Don Rosa, if  you have time to check):
What does Panchito reply, p 11 panel 5?
(The balloon is blank in PM 351)

Yeah, I think I have that story! I'll go look...
Ah... Donald has said something like "Let's have no more shooting while
we're in here, okay?" and Panchito is simply agreeing.
But you caused me to notice a much more annoying error the letterer made in
this story which is surprising for PICSOU to have done, since their
presentation of my stories is usually so magnifique. Check out the musical
number sequence on page 14. I recall that in the Egmont script, there was
an odd problem where three of the numbered entries were jumbled (all of the
dialogue and sound effects and background signage is numbered in Egmont
scripts for placement). In panels 7-9 there should be a sequence of entries
being "CRASH! Shatter!", "What means 'aye, caramba'"?, and "Oh, yes, I
don't know"... but somehow the Egmont script jumbled them so that the last
entry was numbered prior to the other two. Now, it would seem *obvious* to
anyone placing lettering into the story that this is an error, otherwise
they would have a character saying "CRASH! Shatter!" and a breaking pot
making the sound "Oh, yes, I don't know!" But incredibly, that's just what
the letterer did here in PICSOU. Go figger.

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