Comics Distribution

Fabio Blanco longtom at
Wed Oct 17 17:45:26 CEST 2001

> That's a pretty good idea, I'm thinking.  Dark Horse does newsstand
distribution for some of its >other licensed titles like Star Wars.
Distribution of Disney comics to those outlets should be just >about as

I agree. They have very nice collections like the recent "Lone Wolf and
Cub", and the near next reprint of the Tezuka's ASTROBOY.
Isn't ironic that the only people not interested on publish Disney comics
are the Disney people? I dont care about his Tarzans and Monsters and other
non originales (anime's copies, indeed) like Lion King or Atlantis.
I wanna see a Scrooge's comic book in every stand of the world.

Fabio Blanco
pd: some suscriber to Howard the Duck? ´()|:>

bonvolu postu al longtom at

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