R: Donald and Daisy married in Notre Duck!!!

Luca Boschi cnotw at zen.it
Thu Sep 20 15:52:50 CEST 2001

Well, Arthur!

You were  faster than me!

>>>In the Brazilian story in which Donald and Daisy married, they marry at
>>>Notre Duck, that we can see on a panel.
>> I didn't notice that Gilles. But Luca was refering to another story
>> (historie as Fernando says), which is a follow-up of Barks' tale, published
>> in Super Picsou Géant, with the same mysterious sosie of Scrooge.
> The two Brazilian stories are:
>  B 870024 DD O casamento do Pato Donald

Well, this can be intended like a "WHAT IF" story... Even if the location is
> and
>  B 800079 US A volta do fantasma de Notre Dame
> where US returns to Notre Duck and finds *another* character
> wearing the phantom costume (not that US's double from the original
> Barks' story)

And this is the one I referred. The masked character seems to be Magica, at

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