Off Topic Request

Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr. sigvald4 at
Fri Aug 16 08:23:08 CEST 2002

Shaun Craill <scraill at> wrote:

> Sorry about the off topic post.

Don't be. It is a serious matter you are introducing

> Somebody on the list, or associated with it,
> seems to have the klez worm virus.

Sounds very plausible. I have also recieved more
viruses after joining the DCML than before that. But I
guess that it is because so many people are posting to

> My IT manager has asked me to leave DCML unless
> there is an improvement in the number of virus
> emails sent to me (currently between 1 to 3 per
> day).

That many? So much viruses don't come via the DCML. I
onle see 1-3 viruses a week.

> Can I suggest that people who don't know if
> they're covered for this virus please check,
> I'd hate to have to quit DCML because of somebody
> else!

I can understand that!

By the way, do anyone here know if will be possible to
include a virus check in DCMLs central system som that
all mails provided by DCML can be virus-free?

Sigvald :-)

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