Family Tree (Titus/Dingus)

Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr. sigvald4 at
Tue Aug 20 08:33:42 CEST 2002

Stefan Diös <pyas at> skrev:

> I might add that the Swedish language clearly
> distinguishes between paternal and maternal 
> grandfathers, so there was never a question
> whether this might have been the other grandpa.

Correct! The same goes for Norwegian and Danish.

> (Meaning: There was, for once, no need for the
> confusion we usually have with all the uncles
> in Duckburg!)

But at that point you Swedes really make it confusing,
by using "Farbror Joakim" and "Farbror Kalle" instead
of "Onkel" as in Norwegian and Danish. In the
Scandinavian languages "Farbror" normally means a
brother of the father so to be correct you should
actually have called them "Morbror Joakim" and
"Morbror Kalle" (brother of the mother) since they
both are the mothers brother of their nephews and

Sigvald :-)

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