Family Tree (Titus/Dingus)

Michael Schartau michael.schartau at
Tue Aug 20 09:08:29 CEST 2002

  Sigvald :-) wrote

  But at that point you Swedes really make it confusing,
  by using "Farbror Joakim" and "Farbror Kalle" instead
  of "Onkel" as in Norwegian and Danish. In the
  Scandinavian languages "Farbror" normally means a
  brother of the father so to be correct you should
  actually have called them "Morbror Joakim" and
  "Morbror Kalle" (brother of the mother) since they
  both are the mothers brother of their nephews and

  You don't have to rub it in. We have to live with it.
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